DÉCOUVRIR LE DOMAINE > Park and gardens
Gardens and a forest in a 53 hectare park
This vast green area is an excellent opportunity for visitors of all ages to take a stroll, explore and relax. Plants and animals have always played an important role in the domain of Valençay. Today, biodiversity and species protection are managed in an eco-friendly way and focus on sustainable development and eco-responsibility.
Renewed each season, the flower beds are designed to give the château a colorful setting worthy of its architectural splendor. Filled with 25 different tree species, the forest is carefully maintained and plays an educational role with signs that provide information on their different origins, uses and biology. Visitors can explore it on foot or by electric golf cart on a 4km path.
The Garden “à la française”
Following the great French tradition, Edouard André designed at the beginning of the 20th century a new garden with straight paths punctuated by elegant ponds.
The Duchess’ Garden
With its flower beds on the terrace and its sculptures, this garden overlooks the Nahon valley. It offers a breathtaking view of one of the rare hunting lodges to have been preserved in France: “La Garenne”, built around 1810 at the request of Talleyrand.
Granda Vista
Created in 2006, this garden was designed by Noémie Malet, a registered landscape gardener. Inspired by a watercolor from 1705, the first iconographic document representing the park, the project bridges the gap between the site’s history and contemporary art.
The Deer Park
This dates back to Talleyrand’s day, with its delightful deer, large and small, sporting their red coats with white splashes in the summer, brown in the winter.
Nearby, areas are devoted to children’s games and vast expanses of grass welcome picnic and rest lovers.
The “Forêt des Princes”
Visitors can explore a magnificent 4km historical and natural path on foot or using an electric golf cart. Seven remarkable features are worth pointing out along this walk, along with a stunning view of the château.
Useful information
€14 (in addition to the entrance fee)
Departure every hour, from 10:15 a.m.
In October and November, the electric cart rental service will only be provided on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with departures at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m and 4:00 p.m.
Price for 1 car (4 people),
for 45 minutes.
Les glacières (ice rooms)
They are located under a gigantic molehill. Here, we managed to keep the ice collected in the pond during winter all year round.
Le saut du loup (The jump of the wolf)
A kind of ditch that allowed people to escape outside.
Bat cave
It is home to nearly a thousand bats of 11 different species each year. This site is registered in the European Natura 2000 network.
La taverne des Espagnols (The Spanish tavern)
The exiled princes met here to have a drink.
The pond
Carved by the hand of man, it was designed to collect natural runoff from the park above.
The ballroom
Groups of dancers and the Spanish princes met here to escape boredom
Tuffeau stone caves
Much of the stone needed to build the castle was extracted here.